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Frequently Asked Questions

The questions from readers.

SWOT analysis of STEM-physics

As for any new initiative, it is wise to analyse the many aspects that the processes of promoting, advocating, experiencing and developing this new theory can involve.

Bibliographie de R.L Vallée

Ancien ingénieur du CEA de Saclay, diplômé de l'école supérieur d'électricité (SUPELEC).

About Buddha

A short tribute and apologize to Buddha...

Frequently Asked Questions

The questions from readers.

Don't hesitate to notify new questions on the forum.

How can STEM-physics rejects relativity although it uses its main formulas?

The only formulas used are: E = m.c2 , which is a direct consequence from Maxwell's theory, and E2 = E0 2 + p2 .c2 which is demonstrated without the help of Lorentz's transforms. Both formulas, unfairly related to relativity, neither prove nor need any principle of equivalence of frames and any constancy of the speed of light. Please read this article to get more details.

How the mass is defined in STEM-physics?

The mass is an inertial factor that is characterized by the ratio force out of acceleration applied on a material system ( m = F/Γ ). In any case, it also represents the total energy of a system divided by the squared local speed of light ( m = E / c2 ). As a logical consequence, space has a density of virtual mass. It is to say that mass doesn't mandatory mean matter, as suggests official physics.

When an object is under water, due to the different speed of light in water, does it have a different mass?

Remember that matter is mainly compound of vacuum. When the object is under water, the liquid doesn't pervade the inner structure of the object's matter. It is to say that only the speed of light in vacuum apply and the mass doesn't change.

If photons have a mass, what is their mass at rest?

Because photons have an energy, photons have a mass according the definition m = E / c2 = h.ν / c2 . However photons are a specific structure that can only exist if they propagate at speed of light. You can then try to find out photons at rest for long.

Michelson & Morlay's experiment proved than the speed of light is a constant, how STEM-physics can deny this major fact?

Michelson & Morlay's experiment has only discarded the hypothesis of the ether which physicists were believing in before. From the STEM-physics point of view, main masses in space influence the space medium. First, earth manages its own homogeneous speed of light due to its mass. Second earth drags space medium with. Consquently Michelson & Morlay's experiment can obviously not detect any change at the earth's surface.
Furthermore, you can understand there (how much does it vary?) why the speed of light's variations are as so tiny than significant in formulas.

Are units important for STEM-physics?

Of course yes. STEM-physics tries to maintain a model as most consistent as possible and units are the best mean to check consistency at every pace. We claim, as Plato would, that consistency represents the barrier against any kind of sophistry. Because mathematics alone can't assume this, still needs physics to keep its units.