STEM-physics / Overview / Synergy / Synergy (2)

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Bibliographie de R.L Vallée

Ancien ingénieur du CEA de Saclay, diplômé de l'école supérieur d'électricité (SUPELEC).

About Buddha

A short tribute and apologize to Buddha...

The pervasive energy of space

The electromagnetic pervasive synergy of space carries out potential energy from physical fields. Moreover, it explains the inertia.
The average density of synergy in space reveals to be fantastic; it is evaluated to 2.10+20 J/m3 .

Synergy definition

Due to the pervasive aptitude of electromagnetic waves, space is supposedly described as an ocean of overlapping electromagnetic waves. According that hypothesis, the addition of all the waves crossing any volume of space brings up a density of energy and momentum.

Hence a physical medium can be defined in a given volume of space, where energy and momentum can refer to the expression of energy and momentum of all the waves according the Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism.
The measured speed of light is independent of the motion of the source or receiver; it then only depends on the medium through which electromagnetic waves propagate. This speed is of course the speed of a wave, not the one of a material particle.

Moreover, it can then be inferred that the speed of light is the own property of space medium which is a medium of propagation.

The Synergy of a system is the absolute energy contained in the corresponding space volume.

The synergy corresponds to the sum of all energies instantly present in a given medium and Maxwell's theory leads to the expression that Poincaré, Hasenörl, Planck and Einstein have later disclosed:

  • S = m / ε.μ = m.c2 (1)

It is to say that space has a mass density which represents a blend of immaterial mass with the material masses of the quantum particles it contains.

Stationary inertial medium

Experimental measures of Physics imply stochastic and stationary structures for space, energy and time. STEM-Physics is completely consistent because its interpretation and results don't change the fundamental definition of space and time on which physics has been stated.
The expressions of space density of momentum and energy are independent from any mathematical frame of reference. It is therefore possible to find a frame in which the momentum is null. Such a frame is then tied to local stationary space energy in which physical events can occur.
Such a mathematical frame is called stationary inertial medium. It represents a stochastic reference frame for physics because it is bound to the medium of dominant energy.
(Understand how important is the definition of a reference frame for physics...)

Stemming the inertial forces

A car is running at speed V in a stationary inertial frame in which speed of light is c0 . From the point of view of Buddha linked to the reference frame, the synergy of the car is:
  • S = m.c0 2 (2)

  • with m = m0 / (1 - V2 /c0 2 )1/2

From the point of view of the car driver, the synergy of its car is:

  • S = m0 .c2 (3)

  • with c2 = c0 2 / (1 - V2 /c0 2 )1/2

The car driver considers of course the mass at rest, because he moves with the car. However, the synergy never depends on the frame of observation and both synergies (2) and (3) are equal. Thus, only the inner speed of light of the car should have evolved.

Whenever the car accelerates or decelerates, the inner speed of light c would change whereas the reference speed of light c0 wouldn't. Remember that the reference frame is tied to a dominant energy that has no reason to be influenced by the car's medium.
According that any force corresponds to a loss or a gain of synergy along space coordinates, a dynamic variation of synergy implies that an inertial force happens:

  • Finertia = grad S = m0 .grad c2 (4)

  • Finertia = m0 .dc2 /dx = m0 /V.dc2 /dt (5)

  • When V << c, Finertia = m0 .dV / dt, the known equation of dynamics is consistently retrieved.

In conclusion Synergetics brings up a physical model in which space medium and frames of reference are clearly and consistently defined. This model gives an additional understanding of the phenomena of inertia.
Read how the space density of synergy can be evaluated...
(about the usage of Buddha symbol...)